Complaints policy


A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction concerning a Mantra Learning Ltd product or service. Mantra Learning Ltd takes all complaints extremely seriously and all staff are committed to rectify any problem as soon as it is brought to our attention. It is recognised that a customer who has a complaint dealt with to their complete satisfaction is likely to become a repeat customer. 

At the point of service delivery, Mantra Learning Ltd will deal with the initial approach from the customer and attempt to resolve the customer’s concerns to the best of their ability and to the satisfaction of the customer. 

It is the aim of the company to settle complaints quickly and amicably. Complaints will be responded to promptly, properly, fairly and consistently. Where there is an unavoidable delay, i.e. staff holiday, sickness etc., the customer will be informed of these and of the revised timetable or the procedure. 



If a customer is dissatisfied with the service they have received, they should bring this to our attention, as soon as possible, so we have the opportunity to investigate fully.

Discuss with a member of staff via the following methods:

0330 333 4993


Speak to a member of staff on site or your apprenticeship development coordinator

Write to: The Compliance Team

Mantra Learning 



M24 1RU

      Please provide us with your full name and contact details along with: 

  • A full description of your complaint (including the subject matter, dates and times if known); 
  •  Any names of the people you have dealt with so far; and 
  •  Copies of any papers, letters, or relevant information to do with the complaint. 


  • Staff member to take full contact details and nature of the complaint from the customer and log a ticket on the feedback portal or by emailing the internal feedback email
  • If the complaint can be resolved at this stage without the need for escalation, this should be done, however the ticket should still be logged accordingly

STEP 3: CUSTOMER CONTACT (if not resolved at step 2)

  • Compliance officer will contact the customer in receipt of the complaint within 2 working days.
  • Full details will be taken of the complaint/issues and a time scale agreed for investigation and resolution. 
  • The compliance officer will log the details and inform the relevant Department Manager to investigate. 
  • A letter/email will be sent from the compliance officer acknowledging the compliant with reference to an estimated time frame, along with a copy of the complaints policy.


  • The Department Manager to conduct full investigation into complaint/issues which have been raised by the customer within 5 working days of the complaint being raised. 
  • The compliance officer to support with the investigation to ensure all issues are fully investigated and recorded. 
  • The compliance officer will inform the customer of updates to ensure timely completion of the complaint.
  • The Investigation findings will be passed to the Senior Management. 
  • Senior Management will make a judgment based on the investigation findings and come to a conclusion.
  • The Senior Management will then inform both the Department Manager and the compliance officer with an outcome.


  • The compliance officer and/or department manager will communicate with the customer the outcome of the investigation via telephone/email/face to face contact within 10 working days.
  • The compliance officer and/or department manager will then write to the customer with the investigation findings and outcome.
  • Compliance officer will update complaints log and any actions established from investigation will be discussed with senior management during the monthly Quality management meeting.


  • In complex cases, the complaint may take longer than 10 working days to investigate. In these instances, the customer will still be notified within 10 working days, in writing/email, of the progress to date, the reason for the delay, and the revised timescale. 
  • Where a customer complains about a member of staff, the complaints procedure enables this to be investigated fairly, openly and thoroughly. Occasionally a complaint may lead to disciplinary action and appropriate information relating to the complaint may then be recorded in the staff member’s personnel file. For reasons of data protection, the customer will not be informed of any disciplinary action taken. 


In the unlikely event that you remain unhappy after your complaint has been investigated and a decision reached then you may escalate your complaint to the Quality Manager.  Please include any further items for consideration and state clearly why you remain unhappy with the decision taken so far. The Quality manager will investigate in full and respond to you within 10 working days.  

 The Quality Manager can be contacted on: 

Name: David Hewitt

Call: 0161 653 5767  


Write to: Mantra Learning, Greengate, Middleton, Manchester, M24 1RU  

If you remain unhappy after following our own internal complaints procedure and your complaint refers to services you have received relating to your course and achieving your qualification then please contact the Awarding Organisation directly.


If you are a customer who is funded by another provider, or require details of the Awarding Organisation, please speak to Mantra Learning’s Quality Manager, by contacting the methods outlined in section C of this policy, to discuss and obtain relevant organisation contact details.  


If you are an apprentice and not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can contact the ESFA helpdesk:

Telephone: 0800 015 0400 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week


All verbal, electronic, or written complaints, and their outcomes, will be logged by the compliance department so that records can be subsequently analysed and the following information produced:- 

  • Number and nature of complaint; 
  • Dates of receipt and dates of responses; 
  • Performance in meeting the timescale; 
  • Outcome of complaints at each stage, i.e. upheld, not upheld, unresolved; 
  • Level of customer satisfaction with the way the company has handled their complaint; 
  • Details of the complainant to enable monitoring under equalities legislation. 

Records of complaints form a basis from which we will improve our services. All complaints, and their outcome, will be fed back to the staff involved, who will be encouraged to use the information positively. Departments will use complaints information:- 

  • As an opportunity to find out about customers’ problems and dissatisfaction; 
  • As a means of measuring the quality of the services we currently provide and customer satisfaction; 
  • To improve the services provided; 
  • To identify gaps in the provision of services; and 
  • To improve relationships with customers. 


All information gathered or held regarding the personal or business affairs of our customers will be held in strict confidence, for the sole use of Mantra Learning Ltd in meeting its stated objectives. No information will be released to a third party in a format that will allow identification, except with the express consent of the provider, or as may be required by law.

 If in the event the complaint related to Data Protection please email:

A member of the data protection team will respond to the complaint following the process outlined in section B.


Training, promotion, and implementation of this policy will be delivered to employees, employers, and learners through induction into employment or training with Mantra Learning. The policy will be available to view on the Mantra Learning websites and the staff policy area for employees. 

This policy will be reviewed at least annually.  


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